Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Waiting for the Half-Blood Prince

Only 2 more days until Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is released in US! I am both excited and sad - excited as I want to read what happens next, but sad for with the release of this book there will be only one more remaining in the series.

Discovering Harry Potter and the community of HP fans has been a real life changing experience for me. I know that sounds corny for someone who is over 40, but I have met so many wonderful, special people as a result of these books that I really have no idea what my life would be like if I had not chosen to start reading them after seeing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

My favorite book so far is the Prisoner of Azkaban (book 3) which was also the most recent one made into a movie. It has the best plot and was the best written of the 5 published so far. I own both the U.S. and U.K. editions in hard copy. I really prefer the U.K. books as they are much better quality bindings and paper, although I love the illustrations that are only available in the U.S. editions - so it is a tough call. FYI - Hermione is my favorite character and I can't wait to see what she does next. Only a little more than 2 days to go!!


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