Friday, December 09, 2005

Job Sitch...

I met the Principle partner of the consulting firm this morning for coffee, and got more specifics about the job sitch. I have not been "officially" offered a job, but they have every intention of bringing me on board in early January 2006. There is a senior level Consultant with Financial Services background that is coming on board the first week in Jan, and if all goes according to plan I would start the following week.

The next step is for me to talk with this new Consultant next week, to give him a chance to get to know me (as we will be working together for probably the first 6-12 months) and then I could get a verbal (if not written) offer the following week (Week of Dec. 19th). The salary structure as both a Consultant and eventually as an employee would be an increase from my last consulting job and certainly worth waiting a few extra weeks for.

Overall a good meeting, and with a very friendly and professional person. I think this would be a great company to work for and with - and I look forward to get this finalized in the weeks ahead.


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