Monday, September 25, 2006

Poison Oak!

I have poison oak everywhere and picked it up from throwing my discs at Saint Mary's Soccer field. I often go there to practice, when the soccer team is not using it, and on Thursday I accidentally threw two discs over the 3 foot high fence and into the bushes. Unfortunately I must have rubbed up against some poison ivy as I now have the rash all over my neck, arms and shines. I hate it!!

I know what it looks like and have been pretty good at avoiding it for the most part, but I guess in my search I must have missed some. Hopefully it will not last long - but for now I am itchy and not very happy!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dwell Conference

Kristin and I went to the Dwell conference, as she got free tickets from work (Youth Radio).

It was interesting and I was curious to learn more about "pre-fab" housing. There were some interesting vendors there, and we actually got a good lead on a company who manufactures bathroom tiles from a computer generated patterns which can be in a gradient pattern - which is something I have wanted to do in our house, but thought it would be too difficult to do. While this company is much more expensive than just choosing average tile, it could prove to be feasible if done on a small scale - we'll see.

Other than that, there was not much to see. I was still glad to go and check out what the companies had to offer.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ready for Winter

It has been a while since I posted on my blog, so here is what Kristin and I were up to today - stacking a half cord of wood in our back yard and getting ready for winter. The last time we got wood, it had rained before we took delivery and so I think it was never had a chance to be stored dry. Consequently it was always difficult to start a took a huge amount of kindling or paper to get going.

Well not this year. I ordered it and we got it all stacked this morning. I just need to get another tarp to cover the first half of the wood, as it was too much to stack all in one section. It is starting to get cooler and it won't be long before having a fire will be a very nice thing.