Tuesday, January 16, 2007

World of Warcraft - Burning Crusade

Well at last the expansion for the World of Warcraft was released today. I have played this game off and on for the past year or so, as has my brother Russ and so we plan on playing this new expansion pack in the coming days. If you are interested you can check out the extensive web site for more info.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Windows Go In

Today we had windows installed in our house. This is something we have been talking about for a number of years, and with the recent HOA decision to allow vinyl windows we finally decided to go ahead and get them done. After a lot of looking around and talking with different companies we decided on Smart Windows to do the installation.

Here is our upstairs office window, ready for the trim. We did lose a little window space, as the new window goes inside the existing frame, but I don't think it will be noticeable once the window is finished. This window also needed to be a bit different in proportion to meet new minimum opening requirements.

This is the view up to our bedroom window, which was able to remain the roughly the same proportion as it did not need to meet any new standards.

The main reason we went with this company was because they could provide the same large patio door option that we have now. While it is bound to be heavy, it will be nice to have only one beam breaking up our view.

Yikes, there is no back door and just a huge hole in our living room!!

As predicted, the door assembly was indeed very heavy and took three men to carry (notice I am NOT one of them). It was interesting to watch these guys work and I have to say they were very fast and seemed to do a very good job. Look for more pictures in the future, but for now I am glad to have these windows in before the colder weather hits us.