Monday, April 16, 2007

Vacation Day 1 - Carmel

Monday was the first day of our vacation and we went to Carmel and stayed at the La Playa Hotel (which is on Eighth & Camino real). We arrived at around 4pm, having stopped in Santa Cruz for a bit of disc golf at DeLa. Here is the view from our room. This is not our first time to the hotel and we'd recommend it to anyone looking for a place between the beach and Ocean street.

After we got settled in, we walked down to the beach and looked at all the new houses, and strolled along the beach. As we got towards the golf course I spotted a white dog off in the distance which didn't seem to have an owner escort. As I went up to see about retrieving any stray golf balls (of which I only found one) Kristin took the picture below of said pup.

He didn't have a collar and was not interested in staying long, and took of down the beach again as soon as Kristin took his picture. Luckily by the time we walked back he was no longer in sight and hopefully found his masters!!

After our walk we went to a great Mexican food dinner and then planned the rest of our trip to LA. Stay tuned.


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