Friday, September 28, 2007

Big Fun!

Well I got my new computer finally!! A new 24" iMac, and it is great.

At first I thought it was too big, but it is growing on me. Unfortunately it arrived the same day as the World of Warcraft patch 2.2, which meant that there were loads of additional problems besides getting all my files transferred from my old laptop. So far I am really enjoying it and playing WoW on such a huge screen is awesome.

I have still got some work to do to load all the goodies on it and learn the new software apps, but I am enjoying the process.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

New Bed

Well we finally went out and got a new bed! Kristin had been bothered by lower back pain for awhile... and although I thought it was the couch, she assured me it was our old cheap mattress and so off we went to try and find a new bed. We looked a bunch of places and did research online and in the end decided on a Temperpedic (see below).

It is very comfortable and give you the feeling you are sleeping on a huge, firm marshmallow. You sink in a little as it contours to your body and then that is it. Others seemed to either love them or hate them, so we'll just have to see.

Bella loved the matching pillows and couldn't wait to sit on them.