Saturday, April 05, 2008

Tarheels lose...

Well all good things have to come to and end, and the UNC Tarheels lost their semi-final game to Kansas. I have to say it was one of the weirdest games I have ever seen them play in my over 20+ years of following the team. I don't know if they were tired, nervous, over confident, but they played absolutely terrible for the first 15 minutes of the game and that basically sealed their fate.

I figured we could get by Kansas, being that we were more experienced and had been playing well, and was hoping to face UCLA in the finals. I wanted no part of Memphis as they are very tall at the guard - and with our guards being smaller that can only be trouble and cause match-up problems. Unfortunately UCLA lost as well so I was completely wrong.

Oh well, the season had to end sometime and maybe this means our best player will come back for one more year! Actually he shouldn't after winning so many of the player of the year awards... but who knows.