Sunday, May 18, 2008

Studying for CIMA

Wow, I have not posted in forever - so here goes. I haven't been up too much beyond working and playing World of Warcraft, but that is will be changing for the next few months as I get ready to take the level 1 CIMA test in late June. CIMA is a designation which stands for Certified Investment Management Analyst and is helpful for my current position at Wells. There is two parts to it, the first is a test as I mentioned above, followed by a week-long training help at Warton in philly and Berkeley here in California. Based on my timing I will most likely end up taking it at Warton, but we'll see.

I have put off studying until I could do it and focus on it exclusively, as I would have a hard time remembering things if I spread it out. This was I can study hard over a shorter period and then take the test. It should not be too hard, but will require a lot of preparations to make sure I get a passing grade. A number of my colleagues have already taken it, so I will be bugging them for tips in the weeks ahead. Anyway, that is what is up at the moment, so stay tuned to see if I pass.