Friday, April 10, 2009

SOLD the Acura - Finally!

We finally sold the Acura yesterday for full asking price. It took a while, but someone emailed me lat on Wed. saying that they saw the ad on craig's list and loved the car. The person, Kristine, had lost her car in an accident and so was looking for a new one and the Acura was her favorite car. She said she was getting financing together and would contact me tomorrow (Thurs).

Well I figured "I'll beleive it when I see it", but sure enough the next day we exchanged phone messages, including talking to her mom who said, "I want to help her buy a car I approve of, instead something like a convertable..." and we met last night in the rain to exchange the car and cash.

She was really sweet and her boyfriend who is a mechanic approved of the car as well and so it is now in a new home - Woot!!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Tarheels Win, tarheels WIN!

UNC Tarheels are 2009 NCAA Champs!!

What an amazing run for this team! It was great to watch them all year long and they certainly showed everyone that they were the #1 team this year.

I could not have asked for a better season as a tarheel fan, and once they got going in the tourney it was all over. I never feel comfortable watching them play, as often times the best team does NOT win, but this team just had the drive to not be denied and I was happy to see them succeed. I am sure this will lead to most of the team turning pro, but the guys coming back should make us competitive next year for sure. Anyway - hats off to tis group and thanks for a wonderful season!!