Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Slow going...

I am continuing to read through Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but as you can see I am still only page 447. I am such a slow reader and it is at times like this that I wish I had my wife's ability to read a million miles an hour. I need to finish the book so I can have discussions with all the other fans on HPANA, and yet life keeps getting in the way! I hope to finish today/tonight - or tomorrow at the absolute latest. I still have no idea who the prince is (although I have my guesses) and why/how the death(s) in the book happen.


I finished the book at around 11:30 pm as I had hoped. I really liked this book and the insights it provides should keep the community guessing as to what is next for quite a while. I don't want to say too much and spoil it for anyone who has not read the book yet.

I have to say now that I am done, that I am little sad as I have only have one more book to look forward to. The Harry Potter series has been so great and so much has changed in my life as a result of it - I will hate when all the books and movies are finished. I guess I need to start writing fan-fiction to keep it all going.


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