Sunday, August 07, 2005

Arrived in the mitten

So I flew from Phoenix to Michigan (aka "the mitten" as the state is shaped like a large mitten) and arrived this afternoon. Both flights (the one from PHX-CHI, and from CHI-GRR) were fine and went without a hitch. I took the picture above while in route to Chicago. It is amazing how high these planes fly.

I have been gone only a few days, but I miss my Boo cat very much. Kristin has said she is being very "grumpy", refusing to be brushed, and not eating very much (which is her usual behavior when I am away), but it has also been hot at home so that might have something to do with it. While I am looking forward to getting some stuff done while here in Michigan, I can't wait to also get home and see everyone (including the Boo cat).


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