Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Contra Costa Times Article

A week ago Friday, July 15th, I was in the Contra Costa Times newspaper on the front page of the business section. It has taken me some time to get a electronic copy of both the pictures as well as the article content.

It came about as a reporter emailed me late Wednesday (July 13th) and asked if I would mind talking about HPANA and my role on the site. I emailed Jeff and Geri (see below post) and made sure they were ok with me doing that, and then agreed to talk with her on Thursday (July 14th). That morning, I spoke with Ellen Lee for about an hour, about the site and what I thought about the Harry Potter series and other fan sites. She informed me the article would be in the Friday edition and thanked me for my time.

An hour later she sent me an email asking if I would mind getting my picture taken for the article? I said no and so the photographer arrived at my house around 1:30 and he took the picture above in my office. I figured if the picture made it into the paper at all, if would be a small picture in the corner or something. But instead it was a full half page picture - wow!

I bought a few copies of the paper on my way to Chicago for SpellBound, and then Kristin got me a few more copies later that day. I gave copies to Jeff and Geri from HPANA, and then mailed a few copies to family and friends. I have never been in the paper that I can recall and it great to get recognized for the work I've done on the site. I was a little disappointed that Ellen made the mistake of saying it was MY website instead of Jeff's, but luckily Jeff was understanding and just happy with the publicity. As I just made the web page of the article I am posted it today. Enjoy.


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