Saturday, August 20, 2005

Observations in the mitten...

As I get ready to leave the mitten (aka Michigan), I would like to share a few of the differences between California and Michigan I have observed during my stay.

In Michigan:
Tail-gating is encouraged (three lane shifts are expected)
Smoking is allowed everywhere (and you have to go outside to breath)
Traffic lights are the old hanging style
Left-hand turn signals blink red (and you turn at your own risk)
Freeway drivers move into left hand lane to allow faster traffic to go bye
Sidewalks are optional
Everything is green
Orange cones are the state mascot

In California:
Tail-gating is frowned upon (three lane shifts are impossible due to traffic)
Smokers are banned from the state (or at least put outside)
Traffic lights are new LED pole lights (with lighted street name signs)
Left-hand turn can only be made on GREEN lights (so you are safe)
Freeway drivers refuse to move into left hand lane for any reason
Sidewalks are everywhere
Everything is paved and green is luxury
Californian's can't agree on a mascot

Each state has its' plusses and minuses, but I found it interesting how things were so different.


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