Sunday, October 16, 2005

Lazy Sunday

I did the usual routine of playing hoops in the morning. It was good as we had a few new people and had enough guys to play 5 on 5 with a sub even. That is the first time in months that we had that many guys show up. My wrist continues to bug me, but I was able to play without hurting it too much. After that I went over and tried to get my new bank account straightened out and set up the online bill-pay, and quicken. Unfortunately I was not able to do make it work as the bank I chose continues to be nothing but a pain!! It is amazing to me that this company can not get its' act together.

Otherwise, I had a lazy day and went to watch the Tim Burton movie - The Corpse Bride. It was not as good as his previous movie, A Nightmare Before Christmas, but it was good to see, plus I got to see a trailer for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (which was great). In fact, I have already bought tickets for the midnight showing when it opens! I can hardly wait.


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