Friday, February 24, 2006

Rescue of Sirius

I received my second Mary Grandpre print back from the framers today, and I think it turned out really well. It is hard to tell in this photo, but the print is smaller than my other one at 11" (H) x 14" (W).

The matting has a purple layer that sets the piece off perfectly, and the frame and background matte seem to complement the other larger piece I have.

I am extremely happy and fortunate to be able to get another of Mary's prints before leaving HPANA.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bike race through town

The Amgen Tour of California bike race went right by our little town of Moraga, and so I made sure to go out to see it.

I waited for a good 45 minutes for about 30 seconds of viewing, but it was worth it. Geez those guys are fast. The leaders had a good 1:30 minute gap going by the time they got to me, and were going much faster than the pelaton. I can not believe that they still rode all the way to San Jose!! Now that is a long race and impressed upon me just how in shape these guys are. Simply amazing!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jordan XXI

I decided to get the new Air Jordan's XXI after going to see them at the local mall. I was not sure about them, but they looked better than recent models, and Kristin liked them as well so I went ahead and spent the money. I can't wait to play with them tomorrow.

They have "tunable" heel air units and I decided to use the "Zoom" air ones.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Working on the week-end

I spent the majority of this week-end working to build a tee-pad for the Moraga Disc Golf Course. The finished product was more than I ever expected and will certainly be there for a long time to come. More pictures etc. can be found on my Disc Golf blog, or the MDGC web site above.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tarheels lose...

Well those darn "Dukies" took round 1 of the annual UNC/Duke rivalry, with a 87-83 victory at Chapel Hill. The team did a nice job of coming back from a 17 point second half deficit, but in the end it was too much JJ Redick - as he hit a few clutch jumpers to seal the win for the evil empire.

These games are always close - no matter the caliber of the teams involved and where there rankings are. This years Heels were a bit outmatched, but I was hoping they would play the kind of inspired basketball they had demonstrated against Clemson, and they did... but being in such a huge hole they only able to make t close and not able to come away with the victory.

We still have one more shot at them on March 4th, at Camron Indoor, and that always seems to bring out the best in the Heels.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Coldplay at last

Kristin and I went to see Coldplay at the "Shark Tank" in San Jose this evening and it was great. We sat in the 7th row and were right up front and able to see the faces of everyone. Fiona Apple opened the show at 8pm, and did a very good job even though I did not know any of her songs. I will need to download more of her stuff in the future.

Coldplay were good as ever, and came out about 9:30 and played for an hour and a half or so. They did many songs both from previous albums as well as their new material. The show was great, although the sound didn't seem to be as good as the Shoreline (where we saw them last time).

Overall they just seem to have such a good time performing that it is hard to not enjoy them as well!! Coldplay continues to be my favorite band and this show did nothing to change that.