Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Coldplay at last

Kristin and I went to see Coldplay at the "Shark Tank" in San Jose this evening and it was great. We sat in the 7th row and were right up front and able to see the faces of everyone. Fiona Apple opened the show at 8pm, and did a very good job even though I did not know any of her songs. I will need to download more of her stuff in the future.

Coldplay were good as ever, and came out about 9:30 and played for an hour and a half or so. They did many songs both from previous albums as well as their new material. The show was great, although the sound didn't seem to be as good as the Shoreline (where we saw them last time).

Overall they just seem to have such a good time performing that it is hard to not enjoy them as well!! Coldplay continues to be my favorite band and this show did nothing to change that.


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