Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Perfect Snow Day!!

I went snowbaording with my friend JJ today at Sierra @ Tahoe and as you can see from the pictures below it was a beautiful day!!

There was knee deep powder off of the groomed runs and we had a wonderful time making our own tracks all day!!

In case we got into trouble, there was a big rescue dog at the top of the hill to come and find us. Although he seemed much more interested in the bone when I shot this picture.

We arrived around 9 A.M after a long haul (in JJ's case all the way from Santa Cruz) and there was very few people. It stayed that way all day and we left around 3:30 P.M. just as the next storm was coming in. In fact, it rained on the way home, so we really timed it just right. What a great day!!

Here is us in our snow gear... heehee.

My friend J.J.


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