Monday, April 03, 2006

Working away...

I have not posted in some time, but have been busy working on our local disc golf course (and website), in addition to looking for a full-time consulting position. I have a number of opportunities I am pursuing at the moment and hope to be working by my birthday later this month.

In the mean time, I have been working to support disc golf locally, by going to town meetings and working on certain golf holes and projects at the course itself. Unfortunately the local Parks & Rec department does not have the staff (or inclination) to fix a number of the items associated with the course, so I have taken it upon myself to work on it when I can. I know that I won't have the time for much longer, so want to make as much as headway as I can before the season officially gets started.

Check out my other blog for information about my disc golf progress.


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