Saturday, May 13, 2006

Playing with BooJum

This is Boojum, and he is the dog of Jay (the owner of Huk Lab). You can read all about my day at the Pro Master's Cup on my Disc Golf page, but when I was not working I was hanging out with Jay and playing with BooJum (named for a cactus in Arizona). I played with him while they were in Santa Crfuz a few weeks back, but did not remember to take any pictures so this time I did. He is such a smart and mellow dog - exactly the kind of pup I would want (if I had a dog).

Monday, May 08, 2006

Golfing with bro...

I went to back to Sacramento today to do a little golfing with my brother Russ. He has been bitten by the golf bug, and so I thought I would drive up there and see if I could help him groove his swing with a few timely tips. We went out to Haggin Oaks to see about playing nine holes and hitting the driving range. Unfortunately there was a juniors tournament there today - so with over 150 kids running around we only hit the driving range and the grill for some hot dogs (which were not nearly as good as I remember).

After that we headed over to Bing Malony Golf course, in our old neighborhood. It was cheap and deserted, and thus a great place to practice. Russ has a good swing for someone just starting. I was surprised how good he was playing, and I took some videos of his swing (video 1, video 2, video 3) and mine.

It will be interesting to see him develop and grow as a player if he decides to stick with it. I lent him my old clubs and drivers, as well as a training aid that I found helpful when I was playing. While it was fun to play with Russ, I have really no interest in getting back into golf now that I am playing disc golf so much. I just don't have the drive I was once had to play...

I am fairly sure this frog ate my golf ball on the 3rd hole!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Finished the kitchen lights

I finally got around to putting up the kitchen counter lights we bought a few weeks ago. We use to have these old florescent lights under the upper cabinets which often fell down and were just not very good. Kristin had asked me to get new ones and so on a trip to OSH I got a couple of packages of these halogen ones (a set of 2 and a single light for a total of 3).

It did not take too long to pull down the old ones and then staple up the new ones. After some playing around with the placement, I added the wire holders and finally taped up the dimmer switch (black disc in picture below).

Overall it was pretty easy and seems to make a difference in the kitchen at night!