Monday, May 08, 2006

Golfing with bro...

I went to back to Sacramento today to do a little golfing with my brother Russ. He has been bitten by the golf bug, and so I thought I would drive up there and see if I could help him groove his swing with a few timely tips. We went out to Haggin Oaks to see about playing nine holes and hitting the driving range. Unfortunately there was a juniors tournament there today - so with over 150 kids running around we only hit the driving range and the grill for some hot dogs (which were not nearly as good as I remember).

After that we headed over to Bing Malony Golf course, in our old neighborhood. It was cheap and deserted, and thus a great place to practice. Russ has a good swing for someone just starting. I was surprised how good he was playing, and I took some videos of his swing (video 1, video 2, video 3) and mine.

It will be interesting to see him develop and grow as a player if he decides to stick with it. I lent him my old clubs and drivers, as well as a training aid that I found helpful when I was playing. While it was fun to play with Russ, I have really no interest in getting back into golf now that I am playing disc golf so much. I just don't have the drive I was once had to play...

I am fairly sure this frog ate my golf ball on the 3rd hole!


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