Friday, April 20, 2007

Vacation Day 5 - Freeways & Rain

Today we woke up to rain and it kept raining for most of the day. Luckily we did so much yesterday that there were only a few more things on our list, a visit to "Penseys Spices" and La Mirada Disc Golf course.

After a nice leisurely breakfast we headed out to find the Penseys Spices store which was not too far from our B&B, but not before I looked up how to get to this disc golf course I had heard so much about La Mirada. I wrote down the general directions from the hotel and figured I could find it once we left the spice store.

See Kristin had already printed out directions to that location, and so figured we could at least see the pro shop once that was done (as I didn't really want to play disc golf in the rain). Well we made it to the Penseys after a bit of a delay, as the directions left a little to be desired. It was a great store and we got a present for our cat-sitter as well as bunch of spices for us.

After that is was off to the disc golf course. My directions were going fine and then kristin noticed that we were close to one of the freeways mentioned and could jump ahead - well after a rather long drive we realized that while I had the freeway number right, the direction was wrong and we had gone miles out of the way. We turned around and ended up going in a circle to avoid some traffic and ultimately found it.

When we arrived it had stopped raining and so we walked to the pro shop and I bought a couple of discs and even got to play 5 holes before it started raining again. I even ran into Steve Rico and famous pro disc golfer practicing for an upcoming tournament - man he can throw a long ways. Anyway the course was nice and I was one under for the holes I played, so that was nice.

Next we decided to go and drive by the Marina del ray pier and see what the beach looked like. It was nice and a smaller version of the Santa Cruz boardwalk. The beach was very clean and nice, with the bike path running through it as you see in pictures. There were a number of gymnastic equipment located on the beach, including a series of single rings on long chains so you could swing from one to the next and back again. I did not try them as the "locals" seemed to have a run of the place, but still funny to see.

We made our way back to the hotel for a quick nap and then dinner with some of the people from my World of Warcraft guild. On our way we managed to find some of the famous canals in Venice (like in Italy).

We met up with 2 couples - Jeff and Cheryl, and Brain and Stephanie for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I had never been to one, and the food and drinks were very good... oh yeah the cheesecake was good too, although I didn't have any. It was great to get to spend time with them outside of the game and we may even join them for a guild meet later this year in Las Vegas. It would be a lot of fun.

Once dinner was over, we realized we had done quite a bit on our vacation and started to make plans for our trip home.


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