Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Dancing Kitty Video

I found this dancing kitty video from a friend's blog and it is just hysterical - if you have or like cats. So if you do, enjoy, if you don't, well you'll have to wait for another post! :D

Monday, November 28, 2005

Deep Red Leaves

I saw these deep red leaves and had to get a picture of them. Unfortunately it was overcast and raining today, so the color was not as bright as it was yesterday. But the contrast between the red, the light green and yellow was amazing.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Job News & Shoes

I had a good, but brief conversation about the consulting position I have been applying for - and it seems that they would like me to start in early 2006. The company is bringing on a new senior financial services employee and I would be supporting this new person.

The projects I would be working on would mostly likely be based on the west coast, but no specifics were given (as the new person has not resigned at his current company). We are going to meet on Dec 8th, at the local Starbucks (as he too lives in Moraga) to go over more details. But after that meeting, I should be all set to begin working in 2006! Yeah!

To celebrate I went out and got these new Melo 5.5s that were released today. I like them as they are Black and University (aka North Carolina) Blue. They seem very comfortable and I am looking forward to breaking them in this weekend.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Original Quidditch Print

I got my Mary Grandpre original back today (it was being framed) and it looks great. It is an signed original of the "Quidditich" match between Gryffindor and Slytherin during Harry's first year.

You can see Hogwarts, the whomping willow, Ron and Hermione cheering on Harry and Gryffindor, Madam Hooch, a Centaur, and even a Slytherin Chaser scoring a goal. Mary signed it as number 102/250. I love it and can't wait to take some better pictures in the daylight, but wanted to get at least one picture of it tonight!

Clampett Studio Collections is where I got this print and they have many others, which I am still drooling over!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Let's Go Tarheels!

I got a UNC Tarheel, 2005 NCAA Basketball Championship catalog in the mail a few weeks ago... and so had to order a few more things, before they are gone and the new season gets going. Above is the Championship Banner I put up in my room. I also got a UNC National Championship locker room sweatshirt and a couple of UNC wristbands.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Santa Cruz & Hoops

I went to Santa Cruz today to play basketball, but did manage to stop by the beach. It was such a great fall day, you could hear the waves crashing, and smell the salt air. I love this time of year, when all the tourists are gone and the weather is still good enough to hang out at the coast.

I also played some basketball and we had a good group, but only played for about an hour ad half, before everyone had to go. I had a chance to use my new shoes and they were worked well. They seemed stiff in the store, but playing loosened them up and I can tell they will be really good once they're broken in.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

More Coldplay Tickets

I woke up this morning to the news that I have been randomly selected to buy Coldplay tickets, as a member of the Coldplay website. Last tour, I could not get tickets and this tour, if I buy 2 more tickets, I will have 6!

When I went to bought tickets, I ended up getting the 9th row, section 2 main floor. These are for the Feb. 1st show in San Jose (while the other tickets are for Oakland on Jan 31st) so I could end up going on back-to-back night. I will have to see what happens with the job front to see if I can afford that.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fall Colors Extended

I saw some great colors today. I took the picture above as the leaves themselves have so many different colors. The pictures below are of two different trees, but have a ton of different colors as well. I mean, it has green, yellow, red and all the shades between. Fall is a colorful season.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Harry Potter & GOF Movie

Last night I went to see the new Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie in IMAX, at the Metreon in San Francisco. I was suppose to have tickets waiting for me, and luckily for me I showed up early and after a few calls and emails I managed to get them.

Kristin and I got to go in first (around 6:15 pm) and pick the best seats in the house. I am still not sure how the general public gets invited to these events, but the theater was not completely filled up. The movie started at 7pm, to a lot of applause and excitement, with the scene from the riddle house. It was great to see it on such a huge screen. I knew going in that the movie would have to cut out a lot from the book, but I was surprised to see what they focused on and/or left out. The entire Quidditch World Cup match was not shown at all... for example.

Now I admit that I would have prefer to see a movie version of the book, but also realized that was impossible. What I hoped for instead was a great movie with many of elements of the book still intact. In the end, I am not sure what the movie was about... The book had been about who was trying to kill Harry, how he had been entered in the Tri-wizard tournament, and if he would survive? And the movie, I guess, was just about the tournament.

The scenes that were in the movie looked wonderful - there was plenty of added action scenes (a few too many if you ask me), and so the movie goes by very quickly. Unfortunately, if you had not read the books I am not sure if you had any idea what was going on. So many elements of the movie referred to much longer back-stories provide by the book that without them I suspect the viewer would probably be completely lost.

At the end of the movie, there was only a smattering of applause as many of the audience simply got up and left, or clapped before the movie was over as they were not sure when it had really ended. This was not a good sign, in my opinion, after such a huge buildup. Overall I would give the movie a "C" grade (or for those familiar with the "little man" rating system a man seated), and wished it had a done a better job of pulling a more coherent story from such a wonderful book.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Got them - thank goodness!!

Yes, I managed to buy Coldplay tickets this morning for Jan 31, in Oakland!!!

I was completely locked out of seeing them last two times they were here, so while these seats are not in the front row the fact that I am getting in to see them is an improvement. I actually bought an extra set in the upper deck (Section 213, Row 9), as that was the first pair I was given and I was afraid that if I looked again without buying any, they would be sold-out. I am sure I won't have a problem getting rid of this extra set.

After I bought the first set, I figured I would keep searching to see if I could get floor seats, and couldn't but did find the ones I plan on using (Section 110, Row 7). They seem a great choice, as you are high enough to see over the crowd, and almost center... and if I wasn't going to be close to the stage that is about as good as you can ask for.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Coldplay Tickets

Well it looks like, based on this ad in the Chronicle, that I can get my Coldplay tickets tomorrow at 10am. I really hope I can get them, as I missed my favorite band the last time they were here! I am sure the show will be really great - if only I can manage to get in! :D

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Even More Fall Colors

These are all pictures out of my window. It is amazing to see all the different fall colors.

I also heard from the consulting firm on my way to Santa Cruz yesterday. The person I spoke with said that the principle (who I was suppose to talk to last Friday) is swamped with the departure of another partner who left earlier than expected. She indicated that the company remains interested and that I should hear something from them next week. So I'll continue to be patient, and keep my fingers crossed... but I also need to start to look elsewhere (just in case).

Thursday, November 10, 2005

New Watch

I went shopping after my counseling session today. I wanted to get some glasses at Pottery Barn, and while out and about, I stopped by Nordstrom's to look at shoes. I did not see any shoes I liked, but spotted this nice watch. I was not going to get it except it was the last one, and it was a NIKE watch... so well there you go. It fits well and has more functions than I need, but I like it a lot.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

No job news - but geese are back...

Well I have yet to find out about a prospective consulting opportunity that I had been hoping to hear a decision on last Friday. I find it odd that the principle of this firm has not contacted me at all, bur perhaps he will this week.

On a positive note, a new flock of geese arrived today, but were gone so quickly I could not get a picture. The golf course must be on the geese network news as a safe place to rest and recharge. It is so neat to see the different groups come in a take off.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

More Fall Colors

On my way to coffee today, I took some more pictures of the trees around me. Got to love the colors...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Finally Done!!

I have spent the last few days, really since Tuesday, working on the downstairs bathroom. The light fixture got broken while being cleaned, and so that was the excuse to buy a new one. Well once that was replaced with a silver one, instead of the hideous brass, we figured that that we'd might as well change the other fixtures to match.

Sounds easy enough, but I have since learned that plumbing is NEVER as easy as it sounds. :D I was finally able to finish everything this morning, and with a certain amount of pride I might add - as I have never taken on a project with as many moving parts as the new faucet required - basically to remove and replace the entire underneath plumbing (see last picture).

Anyway, it is finally complete as I replaced the toilet handle with a silver one this morning. The seat I replaced with a white one when I installed the light (on Tuesday). The faucet was the really hard part and took a couple of days and many trips to the local hardware store.

But all's well that ends well and now - Mischief Managed! I hope you all enjoy the pictures of my handiwork.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Fall Colors

I noticed how pretty the fall trees are, and so decided to take a few pictures before all the leaves fall off. While California may not have as many trees as other places, the ones we do have are just as pretty. You can see bigger versions of the pictures by clicking on them - enjoy.

I just heard from the Consulting company I have been applying to, and the owner and I are scheduled to talk on Friday - so it looks like either way, I will find out about this position this week.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Mischief Managed!

I went back over to the disc golf course this morning determined to find my lost disc. I looked for about 20 minutes and was able to find it (as you can see from the picture above)!!

I just hated the idea of losing that disc, as it is the one I use most often off the tee and KNEW it had to be in those trees somewhere. I am glad I was able to find it fairly quickly... and got it down on the first shot with a rock! One day I will lose a disc for good - but today was not going to be that day!