Friday, November 04, 2005

Finally Done!!

I have spent the last few days, really since Tuesday, working on the downstairs bathroom. The light fixture got broken while being cleaned, and so that was the excuse to buy a new one. Well once that was replaced with a silver one, instead of the hideous brass, we figured that that we'd might as well change the other fixtures to match.

Sounds easy enough, but I have since learned that plumbing is NEVER as easy as it sounds. :D I was finally able to finish everything this morning, and with a certain amount of pride I might add - as I have never taken on a project with as many moving parts as the new faucet required - basically to remove and replace the entire underneath plumbing (see last picture).

Anyway, it is finally complete as I replaced the toilet handle with a silver one this morning. The seat I replaced with a white one when I installed the light (on Tuesday). The faucet was the really hard part and took a couple of days and many trips to the local hardware store.

But all's well that ends well and now - Mischief Managed! I hope you all enjoy the pictures of my handiwork.


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