Thursday, October 27, 2005

Geese are coming and going...

I swear that either the geese that are here now, are not the same... or they go went someplace on vacation for 24 hours. I really have no explanation for why I am worried about the geese, except I am struck by how BIG they are and that there are SO MANY of them. I have never noticed them staying at the Moraga Golf Course before, and so I find their visit interesting.

I thought for sure they had all left, as I heard them (which is unusual) yesterday morning early and so figured they had flown overhead and were once again traveling south. When I went by course that morning, sure enough they had all gone and the course was "goose-free". But then this morning as I drove by on my way to coffee, I noticed a (new?) smaller group of geese again by the pond. I would have to guess that these are new arrivals, or that at least some of them have gone - since there seems to be half as many as before.

Otherwise, I am doing well and looking forward to a job interview tomorrow. This will be my 5th interview with this consulting company and first in person. I am keeping my fingers crossed, as so far it seems like a good match for all involved. If hired, it would probably mean a 90-120 day trial project to gauge the fit (kind of like a probationary period) and then I would be offered a full-time consulting position.


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