Saturday, December 17, 2005

Job Update

I got an email today from the consulting company informing me that the client with the process redesign project had decided to do it "in-house", and thus would not need to use the consulting company after all. He apologized for getting my hopes up, and indicated that this kind of thing happens in consulting (which of course I already knew). So it looks like I will probably not be starting this year after all.

But there was some good news in the email as well, It seems that the other project (the one I had originally been slotted for) is on track and the consulting firm continues to be very interested in having me work on that one. The partner also mentioned in the email that this project would be longer in duration, and may end up being closer to home for me and not require me to travel - although I am not sure the person who said that knows where I live... heehee.

I remain very upbeat about the whole thing, as this recent project came up out of the blue and was sort of a bonus really. I like the fact that this company keeps thinking of me for things that come up - and I am confident that something will happen in the weeks to come.


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