Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fountain Fun

Kristin and I worked on our fountain in the backyard today, as it was one of the only days without rain. The fountain has slowed been getting more unleveled and so we decided to take it apart, and see if we could not fix that and maybe get a new pump as well. The old pump made more noise than the water fountain, and thus defeated the purpose in my opinion.

Here it is all apart...

Once we got the dirt out the way, we realized that the cement pad it was on was tilted. We removed more of the old roots, leveled the pad and then headed off to the hardware store. We returned with more dirt, a new pump and fittings and went about trying to rebuild it...

I managed to get the pieces back together and exchanged the pump. Once that was finished we refilled it with water and tested it out and it is much improved. We added more dirt to the flower bed at the base and then put back the rosemary plants, and here is the result.

It didn't take us that long to complete this project and it makes a lot of difference in our ability to enjoy the fountain without it splashing all over the place or all the water leaking out the back/sides.


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