Saturday, June 17, 2006

USA gets tie with Italy

The USA squad played has still not scored a goal in the world cup, but they did manage a tie with Italy today. The Italian team accidentally kicked the ball into their own goal, after scoring on the USA in the first half and that was how it ended. I was surprised that the USA was able to keep it away from the Italians long enough to get a draw, given how well they had played in their earlier win. I figured the USA would lose by 2 or 3 goals, but instead they played better and with more energy and that allowed them (along with a lot of luck) to have a chance to move on.

The USA really has no real chance to do much damage in the world cup, but it is still interesting to see how they fair and what is said and written about the team. I have no real soccer knowledge beyond watching this year's cup - but to me this team seems tentative and unable to put together many scoring opportunities. They can seem to hold onto possession of the ball for longer than their opponents, but not do much with their possessions and then fall victim to the counter attack. They will have to do better to win their final match with Ghana.


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