Sunday, April 29, 2007

Birthday Shoes

Well yesterday was my birthday, and so fittingly Kristin gave me some Birthday Shoes!

These are the new Air Jordan XX2s and while I really liked the fit of them, the first release was in white/black/red was just not doing it for me. I am glad to have waited as the all black version looks much better. Interestingly the black elephant print looks very dark (almost black) in person but is reflective and so shows as much lighter in the picture.

Overall the shoes are very comfortable and with the AIR insoles (versus the Zoom Air) provide just the right amount of cushioning.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Vacation Day 5 - Freeways & Rain

Today we woke up to rain and it kept raining for most of the day. Luckily we did so much yesterday that there were only a few more things on our list, a visit to "Penseys Spices" and La Mirada Disc Golf course.

After a nice leisurely breakfast we headed out to find the Penseys Spices store which was not too far from our B&B, but not before I looked up how to get to this disc golf course I had heard so much about La Mirada. I wrote down the general directions from the hotel and figured I could find it once we left the spice store.

See Kristin had already printed out directions to that location, and so figured we could at least see the pro shop once that was done (as I didn't really want to play disc golf in the rain). Well we made it to the Penseys after a bit of a delay, as the directions left a little to be desired. It was a great store and we got a present for our cat-sitter as well as bunch of spices for us.

After that is was off to the disc golf course. My directions were going fine and then kristin noticed that we were close to one of the freeways mentioned and could jump ahead - well after a rather long drive we realized that while I had the freeway number right, the direction was wrong and we had gone miles out of the way. We turned around and ended up going in a circle to avoid some traffic and ultimately found it.

When we arrived it had stopped raining and so we walked to the pro shop and I bought a couple of discs and even got to play 5 holes before it started raining again. I even ran into Steve Rico and famous pro disc golfer practicing for an upcoming tournament - man he can throw a long ways. Anyway the course was nice and I was one under for the holes I played, so that was nice.

Next we decided to go and drive by the Marina del ray pier and see what the beach looked like. It was nice and a smaller version of the Santa Cruz boardwalk. The beach was very clean and nice, with the bike path running through it as you see in pictures. There were a number of gymnastic equipment located on the beach, including a series of single rings on long chains so you could swing from one to the next and back again. I did not try them as the "locals" seemed to have a run of the place, but still funny to see.

We made our way back to the hotel for a quick nap and then dinner with some of the people from my World of Warcraft guild. On our way we managed to find some of the famous canals in Venice (like in Italy).

We met up with 2 couples - Jeff and Cheryl, and Brain and Stephanie for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I had never been to one, and the food and drinks were very good... oh yeah the cheesecake was good too, although I didn't have any. It was great to get to spend time with them outside of the game and we may even join them for a guild meet later this year in Las Vegas. It would be a lot of fun.

Once dinner was over, we realized we had done quite a bit on our vacation and started to make plans for our trip home.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Vacation Day 4 - LA Tourist Supreme

Today we are slated to do some serious sight seeing, and we began by heading to a place that I have seen on TV and heard about - Randy's Donuts. This is the place with the huge donut on the roof, and it turns out that it was fairly close to our B&B. It only took us a few minutes, and there it was.

I decided to try and hold up the entire donut myself and it turned out to be easier than I thought! :P

Next we headed downtown to see the Hollywood "walk of fame" and the Chinese Theater. This was also easy to find given that Kristin had printed out all of the directions ahead of time. We parked in a very large parking garage just behind the Kodak theater (which is right next door and where the Oscars are held). We went around to the front and looked at all of the stars foot prints. I put my hands in Tom Hanks hand prints, as they were the same size. There are quite a few people who have had this honor, even R2D2, C3PO and Darth Vader have been immortalized (see below).

It seems that the most recent person to have their hands/feet put in cement gets be directly in front of the theater, and then is moved to another location to make room for the next person. The next group of people to get this honor will be Brat Pitt, George Clooney, & Matt Damon - to coincide with the release of Ocean's 13.

The theater itself was gorgeous inside, and we took the tour which was a lot of fun. A person by the name of "Little Larry", who called me "Scotty the Hottie", and was the classic struggling actor turned tour guide. He gave us an individual tour around the place including the woman's bathroom (which was quite something). There is also a wax statue in the lobby that you are suppose to rub for luck when you movie opens... kind of creepy. Jimmy was pretty funny and the tour only lasted about a half hour. Unfortunately there was a movie playing at the time of our tour, so we didn't get to see the ceiling, although we could have come back for free after the show if we wanted.

Right in front of the theater and all along the street is the Hollywood "walk of fame", which has the stars of radio, tv, and movies personalities. I took a picture of Red Skelton's star as my mom has a piece of his artwork and he was one of the first people I can remember seeing on TV.

I looked for Bill Murray's or Lucy Ball's but never could find them. We walked down to the end and back up a little past the theater, but by then we were starting to get hungry so we headed to the next place - Pink's Hotdogs (see below).

This was somewhere Kristin wanted to go and I have to say the hotdogs were pretty good. We waited for about 20-30 minutes in line to get them, and they came with crazy sauces and with names of famous stars or movies. For example, I had a "lord of the rings" which had BBQ sauce and onion rings.

After lunch it was still early enough that we decided to head over to the La Brea Tar pits. We discovered that they are really asphalt pits, but as that doesn't sound as good, they went with tar pits instead. We again looked around at the exhibits of animal bones, including the mammoth below, and even saw where they are actively digging. It was amazing to see the process they use to get the bones out and how long it takes to do so. Boy did it look messy!!

Since we were so close, and had not run out of steam, we headed to Beverly Hills and Rodeo drive. We went into the hills and drove around for a bit. The hills are steeper than you think and the views were awesome. We saw some small and large houses and then headed for Rodeo drive.

Once there, we went up and down a few blocks and it looked very much like Walnut Creek or San Francisco's Union Square, only with a few more upscale shops. I decided to go into the Izod store and ended up buying a pair of shoes and a hat. I can now say, "I shopped on Rodeo drive". Kristin saw Howey Mandel heading into the Armani store, but I did not even recognize him. Aside from Howie the only other star we say was Eric Estrada getting his star on the "walk of fame".

Nice shoes eh?

By this time we are getting pretty tired and so we decided to drive along Sunset and head back to the hotel. Then we realized that there was a House of Blues there and decided to go and have a drink before heading home. It was just like the one in Las Vegas that we had seen before, and in fact Eddie Money was scheduled to have a concert that night. No we didn't stick around.

After our drinks we headed back to the hotel and realized we had done 2 days worth of stuff in one day. This was good as it turned out to be raining the next day (and you never would have guess it from the gorgeous weather we had been having). We ate dinner at the same Italian restaurant that night, as we were both too tired to think of anywhere else and the food was really very, very good.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Vacation Day 3 - The Getty & Arrive in LA

We drove from San Barbara in to LA, and while we did get a bit turned around on our way to the Getty museum, we eventually found it. It turns out Google Maps don't always know what they are talking about! :P

Anywho, we arrived and took the tram up to the museum and had a quick lunch. It was not too expensive and the hot dog and salads were delicious. We took our time and looked over the grounds, and the architecture of the buildings were works of art in themselves. There were some strange pieces (see below) as well as some famous pieces (lilies from Monet) - all in all a very nice detour and highly recommended.

Once we got into town we found our Bed & Breakfast in Marina Del Ray. It is a very nice little inn, right next to a bird sanctuary called "Playa Del Ray". We strolled down the beach, and had a very very good dinner at a small italian restaurant (Cantalini Salerno Beach) - if you are ever in the area make a point to stop in. After that it was time for a bubble bath and off to bed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Vacation Day 2 - Hearst Castle

Today we went from Carmel to Santa Barbara, but stopped along the way to visit Hearst Castle. It was huge, very ornate, and filled with art pieces and many beautiful statues. Here is Kristin standing next to one, located on one of the many large patio areas.

I remember my grandmother talking about this place and it was truly a sight to see. I can't imagine what it was like in its' day. Here is another view up the steps on our way to the "big" or main house.

I thought this must be the equivalent of what people will say about places like Larry Ellison and Bill Gates houses once they have passed away. Mr. Hearst owned an amazing amount of land, like 80 MILES of coastland (which is almost the distance between San Simien and Carmel), had his own airport and zoo, and was rich enough to build a remarkable house.

We are staying in Santa Barbara overnight and then it is on to LA, land of stars, beaches and Hollywood!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Vacation Day 1 - Carmel

Monday was the first day of our vacation and we went to Carmel and stayed at the La Playa Hotel (which is on Eighth & Camino real). We arrived at around 4pm, having stopped in Santa Cruz for a bit of disc golf at DeLa. Here is the view from our room. This is not our first time to the hotel and we'd recommend it to anyone looking for a place between the beach and Ocean street.

After we got settled in, we walked down to the beach and looked at all the new houses, and strolled along the beach. As we got towards the golf course I spotted a white dog off in the distance which didn't seem to have an owner escort. As I went up to see about retrieving any stray golf balls (of which I only found one) Kristin took the picture below of said pup.

He didn't have a collar and was not interested in staying long, and took of down the beach again as soon as Kristin took his picture. Luckily by the time we walked back he was no longer in sight and hopefully found his masters!!

After our walk we went to a great Mexican food dinner and then planned the rest of our trip to LA. Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

New camera

We ordered a new camera from Amazon for our trip, and it arrived today! It is a Canon SD1000, which is very similar to the one that Danny has, but with a little more zoom. We tried to buy the exact same model, but unfortunately it doesn't exist anymore.

Originally we went to Best Buy with the plan of purchasing it there, but when we looked at the prices and found out that they did not have the same model, we went to the computer section and browsed Amazon and found it for less... so decided to buy it from them. This is a case where allowing customers to use in store computers backfired and cost them a sale.