Sunday, July 31, 2005


We spent part of today visiting the Berkeley Kite Festival, which was an amazing collection of kites, kids, and animals. There were individual and group, ballet and battle, and all different kinds of kite events. Some of the kites were so huge (like 94 ft. long) while others were no bigger than your hand. It was quite a sight to see so many kites of varying shapes, sizes, colors, etc.

I also spent a little time making web pages for Queen Isabella and Molly the mitten. It was so funny as no sooner had I finished then all these people starting wanting to be their "cat friends"... I was amazed but should have known there would be "cat nerds" out there wanting to find cyber-friends for their pets.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Brandon's 2nd Birthday!

I went to Sacramento to attend my nephew's (Brandon) 2nd birthday party. He is getting so big, and yet still has not got the hang of opening presents. There were a couple of neighborhood kids along with Scott and Kylie's girls. I had fun swinging kids in the front yard swing, although I think I might have scared a few of them by pushing them TOO HIGH! Heehee - had to do it! It was great to see everyone and the food was outstanding, thanks to Cindy mom and aunt for cooking up a storm, along with Russ on the grill.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


I bought one of these bracelets while at SpellBound in Chicago and it reminds me not only of the courageous story of Katie O'Brien but also the people I met while at the event. I would encourage anyone who has the means to donate to his worthwhile cause.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Into the city...

I went into San Francisco today to visit some old friends, both of whom work at my old company. Over the last few months, and with all that has gone in my life, I have lost touch with many people. As I am now finally starting feeling better it seems like the right time to re-connect, and catch up. It was great to see both of them and I hope to see more of my friends in the coming weeks and months.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Contra Costa Times Article

A week ago Friday, July 15th, I was in the Contra Costa Times newspaper on the front page of the business section. It has taken me some time to get a electronic copy of both the pictures as well as the article content.

It came about as a reporter emailed me late Wednesday (July 13th) and asked if I would mind talking about HPANA and my role on the site. I emailed Jeff and Geri (see below post) and made sure they were ok with me doing that, and then agreed to talk with her on Thursday (July 14th). That morning, I spoke with Ellen Lee for about an hour, about the site and what I thought about the Harry Potter series and other fan sites. She informed me the article would be in the Friday edition and thanked me for my time.

An hour later she sent me an email asking if I would mind getting my picture taken for the article? I said no and so the photographer arrived at my house around 1:30 and he took the picture above in my office. I figured if the picture made it into the paper at all, if would be a small picture in the corner or something. But instead it was a full half page picture - wow!

I bought a few copies of the paper on my way to Chicago for SpellBound, and then Kristin got me a few more copies later that day. I gave copies to Jeff and Geri from HPANA, and then mailed a few copies to family and friends. I have never been in the paper that I can recall and it great to get recognized for the work I've done on the site. I was a little disappointed that Ellen made the mistake of saying it was MY website instead of Jeff's, but luckily Jeff was understanding and just happy with the publicity. As I just made the web page of the article I am posted it today. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sunday Hoops

I played hoops this morning with the usual group of guys from 8:30am-10am, and then stayed and played with the group who begins at 10am and goes to noon (see above). While our group was only 6 people (so we played 3 on 3), I shot the ball decently and our team won all the games we played. I felt a little distracted and was tired from staying up later than I should have last night, but was able to play ok in spite of that - surprise, surprise.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Visiting Willy Wonka

I went to see the new Willy Wonka movie directed by Tim Burton, and I ended up liking it in spite of myself (as I am pretty big fan of the original).

Watching the trailers, I thought Johnny Depp might have gone "over the top" with his version of of Willy. I usually enjoy Tim Burton's movies, but it seemed to me that this great director and actor combination had just missed the mark on this one. I am happy to say I was wrong, and the movie was much better than trailers made it appear. While I would have to see it a few more times to know if I like it as well as the original, it was definitely enjoyable.

Making myself useful!

Well today I made myself useful and put up a light in the stairway. It had been without a light since we got our house painted over a month ago and so I felt like today was the day to get a light. I was able to install it without electrocuting myself - which I thought was pretty good. It fits in well with the rest of our house and I really kind of like it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Seeing Nicholas Nickelby

We went to see the production of Nicholas Nickelby which has opened to rave reviews. I had missed out on seeing it on opening night as I was in Chicago. It was a very good production, and while I was really not so much in the mood for it at the time, it was still a wonderful show and full of action. I would recommend it highly to anyone who enjoys live performances.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Slow going...

I am continuing to read through Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but as you can see I am still only page 447. I am such a slow reader and it is at times like this that I wish I had my wife's ability to read a million miles an hour. I need to finish the book so I can have discussions with all the other fans on HPANA, and yet life keeps getting in the way! I hope to finish today/tonight - or tomorrow at the absolute latest. I still have no idea who the prince is (although I have my guesses) and why/how the death(s) in the book happen.


I finished the book at around 11:30 pm as I had hoped. I really liked this book and the insights it provides should keep the community guessing as to what is next for quite a while. I don't want to say too much and spoil it for anyone who has not read the book yet.

I have to say now that I am done, that I am little sad as I have only have one more book to look forward to. The Harry Potter series has been so great and so much has changed in my life as a result of it - I will hate when all the books and movies are finished. I guess I need to start writing fan-fiction to keep it all going.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Queen Isabella has forgiven me!

Well my cat, Queen Isabella "NO" Ferrucci Fuller (seen above) has officially pardoned me for being gone for the past 3 days. She is use to my daily presence, and had been summoning me to feed her, and make sure her coat was nice and shiny, but as I was gone I was unable to do my required duties.

Upon my return she was initially glad to see me, and then miffed at my insubordination and out-in-out gall to leave her unattended for such an extended period. Forget that my wife was here to feed her and tried to take my place, but the queen is spoiled and thus refused this service...

But now all is right in the world of Queen Isabella (aka Booboo) as I have returned to me duties.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Returning from Chicago...

I returned from my trip to Chicago today. I had a great time, as I got a chance to meet old and new friends. It also gave me a chance to do something just for me and have fun at the SpellBound event. While it may seem somewhat odd for a person my age to be working on a Harry Potter related activity, but in the end it is more about meeting people who share common interests. Overall, I really have a great time and arrived back in California around 1 pm. Now I can finally work on reading the new book in peace and quiet.

The picture above is of the Sears Tower in Chicago. I took it from the car as we drove into the city.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Meeting the people of HPANA!

During my trip to SpellBound! in Chicago, on the highlights was meeting the other people responsible for HPANA! This picture is of Jeff Guillaume (aka Cheeser), Geraldine Broggy (aka Geri), and myself (aka Prof. Scoots). We met for dinner at the Navy Pier in Chicago on Saturday night. It was jam backed with people for various events including a fund raiser walk, soccer match and live music - and not to mention the fireworks at 10:30 pm. Meeting everyone was really the purpose of going at all and I am glad we had a chance to hang out.

Friday, July 15, 2005


I arrived at the SpellBound! today and it was really a lot of fun. There were tons of events and activities going on throughout the day, and plenty of people in attendance. I was very impressed with all the different things taking place as well as all the decorations at the mall. To know I was in a small way responsible for all of this gave me a great deal of satisfaction.

The picture above is of wizards chess, played with live chess pieces from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The bottom picture is of the "doomsday" tournament, a take off on the Tri-wizard tournament in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Waiting for the Half-Blood Prince

Only 2 more days until Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is released in US! I am both excited and sad - excited as I want to read what happens next, but sad for with the release of this book there will be only one more remaining in the series.

Discovering Harry Potter and the community of HP fans has been a real life changing experience for me. I know that sounds corny for someone who is over 40, but I have met so many wonderful, special people as a result of these books that I really have no idea what my life would be like if I had not chosen to start reading them after seeing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

My favorite book so far is the Prisoner of Azkaban (book 3) which was also the most recent one made into a movie. It has the best plot and was the best written of the 5 published so far. I own both the U.S. and U.K. editions in hard copy. I really prefer the U.K. books as they are much better quality bindings and paper, although I love the illustrations that are only available in the U.S. editions - so it is a tough call. FYI - Hermione is my favorite character and I can't wait to see what she does next. Only a little more than 2 days to go!!

Monday, July 11, 2005

The art of falling...

These are murals from the side of Rio theater in Santa Cruz. They were done by my brother-in-law Darryl Ferrucci a few years ago and were originally part of a much larger mural. He has done a ton of neat art and dance projects over the years. We have a couple of smaller versions of his work in our house and I just love the falling people.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Shouldn't I be at the beach?

Well I went back to Santa Cruz today, to visit my father-in-law who was there from NYC. We met up at brother-in-law's house and while I was enjoying the pool - I was also wondering, "I am in Santa Cruz, shouldn't I be at the beach?". The pool ended up being great and I love just floating around and taking it easy!

After my nice swim, I headed over and played basketball with some old friends - yes the very same friends that were suppose to be playing basketball on Friday and weren't! They showed up this time thank goodness. All-in-all a pretty good day!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Getting ready for Chicago & SpellBound!

I am getting excited as it is less than 6 days until the Harry Potter event Spellbound! happens in Chicago! I am going to be flying there on Friday morning and hope to both meet a ton of friends from HPANA as well as volunteer to help them while I'm there.

At midnight, the book (Harry Potter and the half-Blood Prince) will be released and because I am staying at a participating hotel they are going to deliver my book to me, rather than having to stand in line at the book store - how cool is that? I can't wait to meet everyone and see all the great events. Check here for a list of the times and events that are being planned.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Seize the Opportunity

I headed down to Santa Cruz today to play some basketball with a group of old friends. I lived there for 8 years (from 1981-1989) and still have a lot of friends there who play basketball every Friday at 4pm. Unfortunately I got drove there (about an hour and a half drive) only to discover that the game had been cancelled for today! Rats! But I am never one to waste an opportunity so I headed down to the beach to work on my nonexistent tan. I snapped this picture as it was a gorgeous day. Can't beat a few minutes relaxing on the beach!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

First Post

Well this is the first of what may (or may not) be meaningful information about me. I am in the process of getting ready to do a number of things including heading to a Harry Potter book release party on July 15th. It should be a lot of fun and I look forward to meeting a ton of people that I have only known from online. I am staying through Sunday and hope that will leave enough time to have fun and read the new Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince).