Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hooping it up

Well I went and got a little exercise at the gym by playing basketball for a few hours. I needed to get a good run in as the last few days have been pretty hard on me and I have not been sleeping very well either. Luckily we had some good players show up tonight so the games were more spirited and faster paced. I like when that happens (although with the Tuesday night crowd that is usually not the case).

I also am reconsidering a couple of job offers that I had been thinking of turning down. My local job search is not going all that well, so I may take another look at these other offers. The reason I had not been focused on them is that accepting them would mean some significant life changes... but the more I think about it, the more I think it might be nice to get a fresh start in a new place and spend time working on myself and figuring out what the rest of my life is about - well see, stay tuned.


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