Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Police

Kristin and I went to see the Police last night, and while she had a good time I think I can confirmed I am too old for concerts! :P

The concert started early (6:30 P.M.) and we discovered on the way that there was going to be 2 opening bands (including one featuring Sting's son as the lead singer). We had planned on getting there early enough to see Sting's son's band, but after getting a little bit o a late start (since Kristin had to work late and we stopped for a quick bite in Rockridge) we ended up missing them... We also missed the second opening band as the traffic going to the event was simply awful!! After getting all the way to the Oakland Coliseum and discovering that the parking lot was full, we were forced to improvise and come up with an alternative parking plan. Luckily we saw a guy who was leaving and he waved us in to his spot (and saved us $20 bucks), and arrived about 15 minutes before the Police started at 9:00 P.M.

Our seats were in the middle deck and to the side, but not far enough on the side to prevent us from seeing. The show overall was good with nice lighting effects paying tribute to all their previous album covers, but I thought the sound and overall playing was far from their best. This is where Kristin and I disagreed, as she thought they were great! I am glad as it was much more about her seeing the group than me. I just don't appreciate the concert environment as much as she does, and think that probably the Police were better off retired. Then again maybe it was just me! :D


Blogger Unknown said...

Um, yeah, it was just you.



10:48 PM  

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