Friday, September 23, 2005

Feeling "Normal"...

I went to get my Friday basketball fix today. Basketball is one of the only things that makes me feel "normal". Lately I have felt so cut off from the rest of the world - Like the experiences and feeling that I am having are uniquely my own, and that I am a bystander in life and the rest of the world is busy living.

Basketball is my only escape from these feelings, my chance to "fit in" and interact with people in the "real world". I can laugh, play, make mistakes and have successes in a safe place. It allows me to feel less like an alien on this planet for a few hours.

The games were good although one of the guys broke his nose, I think, yikes! He hit it on another person's hip and it was bleeding pretty bad. He put some ice on it and it seemed a bit better before he left the gym. I hope that he is ok. Otherwise it was good to see everyone, get some running in, talk with some friends, and feel "normal" (if only for a few hours).


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